Gaojian Ning ,Managing Director


    MS in Organic Chemistry from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Bachelor of Engineering in Pharmaceutical Engineering from China Pharmaceutical University

Work Experience

    Over 10 years of experience in biopharma R&D and investment. Over 30 investment cases with proven track record. 

    VP, YuanBio Venture Capital

    Analyst, YuanBio Venture Capital

    Medicinal Chemistry Researcher, Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd.

Investment Cases

    Kintor Pharma (9939.HK), BrightGene (688166), Allist Pharma (688578), Kawin Technology (688687), ShengNuo Biotech (688117), Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK), Smartee, ATKC, SHIP, Arkbio, Pegbio, Sunvou, etc.