Yuanbio Venture Capital is a leading healthcare investment firm focusing on early and growth stage investment opportunities. Headquartered in Suzhou bioBay, we look for highly innovative companies across the country and keeps a global view on the development of healthcare industry. Till now, there are over 190 companies in our investment portfolio, covering biotech, medical devices, IVD and healthcare services, and 19 of the companies are listed on the SRAT Board, HKEX and Nasdaq, delivering outstanding performance to our funds. YuanBio has been awarded as one of the top healthcare VCs in China for many consecutive years. Our team consists of experts with rich experiences in healthcare industry, business management and early-stage investment. With passion, dedication and expertise, YuanBio strives to become one of the most successful healthcare venture capital firms in China.
We have been active for many years. Our portfolio selection is highly recognized by the industry. We have broad media coverage, and our portfolio companies frequently appear in various rankings for their outstanding performance and fast growth.
With over 180 portfolio companies and the geographical proximity to a great number of companies in bioBay, we have built up a network to empower the business of our portfolio companies.
Members of the team have rich knowledge of the industry. With our extensive network, we can assist portfolio companies in business development, management and operation, fundraising, team recruitment and many other aspects.
Members of investment team are equipped with profound scientific knowledge and deep industry experience, guided by a team of senior experts and consultants.
We have established partnership and collaboration with industry players, KOLs, institutions and other funds for mutual benefit and development.
Our partner Biobay not only brings us high quality deals, but also acts as a platform for information exchange. The resources it offers play an important role in our post-investment value added services to our portfolio companies.
MBA from University of Chicago; PhD in molecular biology from Medical College of Columbia University; Bachelor in Biology from Peking University
MBA from Cornell University (US); Bachelor from Zhongshan University
EMBA from CEIBS; LLM from Peking University; BS in Economics from Beijing Technology and Business University
Medical Devices
Healthcare Services
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